Voting on proposed content

Daolize fosters community engagement by allowing members to vote on the proposed content within the collection's timeline. As a community member, you can express your opinion on the content by voting in two ways:

  1. Like: Click on the "heart" icon to show your support for the content and indicate that you'd like to see it posted on the collection's connected social accounts. Liking a post increases its visibility and priority within the collection's timeline.

  2. Report: Click on the "report" icon to express your concern about the content and suggest its removal from the collection's timeline. Reporting a post helps maintain the quality of the content and ensures that only relevant and appropriate material is shared within the community.

It's important to note the following when voting on proposed content:

  • Votes (likes) are publicly visible, while reports are internal to the community. Non-community members will not be able to see if a content has been reported, but community members can.

  • Each community member's vote, whether a like or a report, carries equal weight, regardless of the number of NFTs they own. In other words, one like or one report from a user equals one vote.

By voting on proposed content, you can actively contribute to the direction and success of your NFT community, ensuring that the best quality content is shared on your collection's social media channels.

Last updated


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