Navigating the platform

We offer an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy for users to navigate and engage with the platform. The platform is organized into three main sections: homepage, user profile, and collection page.


This is the first page you'll encounter when accessing Daolize. Here, you'll find the "posting widget," which allows you, once your wallet is connected, to view the collections and NFTs associated with your connected wallet, and post directly for the homepage. This is great expecially if you want to post something quickly.

To post a message for a collection's Daolize timeline:

  1. Select the desired collection from the dropdown menu.

  2. Pick the "avatar" you want to use in your collection, choosing from the NFTs you own (in case you own more than one). Initially, a random default one is selected.

  3. Write your message in the provided textarea.

  4. Post your message

Collection page

Each NFT collection has its own dedicated collection page. Currently, Daolize supports Ethereum-based collections, with plans to expand to other blockchain networks in the future.

On the collection page, you can:

  • View content posted by other collection members.

  • Propose new content for the collection's social media channels.

  • Vote on content proposed by other users to determine its priority and visibility.

To access a collection page, either select a collection from the homepage's posting widget and click on the "eye" icon, or navigate to the collection's unique URL.

User Profile

The user profile page allows you to manage your preferences and connect your Twitter profile. By connecting your Twitter account, you can be tagged and credited when your proposed content is posted on a collection's Twitter page: this is a great way to grow your social presence while supporting your community.

To access "User Profile" page, click on the gear icon on top-right corner. If you don't see the icon, you need first to connect your wallet and sign the initial message.

Last updated


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